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[해외논문] A numerical model of avalanche breakdown in MOSFET's

IEEE transactions on electron devices, v.25 no.7, 1978년, pp.825 - 832  

Toyabe, T. (Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd., Kokubunji, Tokyo, Japan) ,  Yamaguchi, K. ,  Asai, S. ,  Mock, M.S.


An accurate numerical model of avalanche breakdown in MOSFET's is presented. Features of this model are a) use of an accurate electric-field distribution calculated by a two-dimensional numerical analysis, b) introduction of multiplication factors for a high-field path and the channel current path, and c) incorporation of the feedback effect of the excess substrate current induced by impact ionization into the two-dimensional calculation. This model is applied to normal breakdown observed in p-MOSFET's and to negative-resistance breakdown (snap-back or switchback breakdown) observed in short-channel n-MOSFET's. Excess substrate current generated from channel current by impact ionization causes a significant voltage drop across the substrate resistance in short-channel n-MOSFET's. This voltage forward-biases the source-substrate junction and increases channel current causing a positive feedback effect. This results in a decrease of the breakdown voltage and leads to negative-resistance characteristics. Current-voltage characteristics calculated by the present model agree very well with experimental results. Another model, highly simplified and convenient for device design, is also presented. It predicts some advantages of p-MOSFET's over n-MOSFET's from the standpoint of avalanche breakdown voltage, particularly in the submicrometer channel-length range.

참고문헌 (10)

  1. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices low-level avalanche multiplication in igfet's troutman 1976 10.1109/T-ED.1976.18419 23 419 

  2. 1973 International Electron Devices Meeting source-drain breakdown in an insulated gate, field-effect transistor kennedy 1973 10.1109/IEDM.1973.188674 160 

  3. Dennard, R.H., Gaensslen, F.H., Yu, Hwa-Nien, Rideout, V.L., Bassous, E., LeBlanc, A.R.. Design of ion-implanted MOSFET's with very small physical dimensions. IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, vol.9, no.5, 256-268.

  4. Stone, Herbert L.. Iterative Solution of Implicit Approximations of Multidimensional Partial Differential Equations. SIAM journal on numerical analysis : a publication of the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, vol.5, no.3, 530-558.

  5. Physics of Semiconductor Devices sze 1969 111 

  6. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices double-drift impatt diodes near 100 ghz niehaus 1973 10.1109/T-ED.1973.17744 20 765 

  7. Mock, M.S.. A two-dimensional mathematical model of the insulated-gate field-effect transistor. Solid-state electronics, vol.16, no.5, 601-609.

  8. Z Angew Phys Ladungstragermultiplikation bei MIS-Transistoren longo 1970 29 166 

  9. Ihantola, H.K.J.. Design theory of a surface field-effect transistor. Solid-state electronics, vol.7, no.6, 423-430.

  10. Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices grove 1967 311 

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