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Understanding consumers’ behavior to adopt self-service parcel services for last-mile delivery

Journal of retailing and consumer services, v.52, 2020년, pp.101911 -   

Zhou, Min (College of Business Administration, Hunan University of Technology and Business) ,  Zhao, Lindu (School of Economics and Management, Southeast University) ,  Kong, Nan (Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University) ,  Campy, Kathryn S. (Center for Public Health Initiatives, University of Pennsylvania) ,  Xu, Ge (College of Business Administration, Hunan University of Technology and Business) ,  Zhu, Guiju (College of Business Administration, Hunan University of Technology and Business) ,  Cao, Xianye (College of Business Administration, Hunan University of Technology and Business) ,  Wang, Song (College of Business Administration, Hunan University of Technology and Business)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Self-service parcel delivery service has been favored by E-commerce retailers as an effective solution to the “last-mile” delivery, and consumers' adoption behavior is the key point to apply this emerging technology. The aim of the present study is to empirically test the influ...


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