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[미국특허] Method for preventing substrate backside deposition during a chemical vapor deposition operation 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C23C-016/04
  • C23C-016/52
출원번호 US-0506246 (1995-07-24)
발명자 / 주소
  • Thomas Michael E. (Milpitas CA) van de Van Everhardus P. (Cupertino CA) Broadbent Eliot K. (San Jose CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • National Semiconductor Corp. (Santa Clara CA 02) Novellus Systems, Inc. (San Jose CA 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 33  인용 특허 : 13


A suitable inert thermal gas such as argon is introduced onto the backside of wafers being processed in a CVD reactor during the deposition of tungsten or other metals and silicides, to avoid deposition of material on the backside of the wafers being processed. Each process station includes a gas di


A method of preventing backside deposition on a semiconductor substrate during a chemical vapor deposition operation in a process chamber, the semiconductor substrate having frontside and backside surfaces meeting at an edge, the method comprising: receiving the substrate over a platen; introducing

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13)

  1. Wang David N. (Saratoga CA) Lei Lawrence C. (Cupertino CA) Chang Mei (Cupertino CA) Leung Cissy (Fremont CA), Apparatus for removing deposits from backside and end edge of semiconductor wafer while preventing removal of materials.
  2. Sherstinsky Semyon (San Francisco CA) Harris Charles C. (Los Gatos CA) Chang Mei (Cupertino CA) Du Bois Dale R. (Los Gatos CA) Roberts James F. (Campbell CA) Telford Susan (Cupertino CA) Rose Ronald , Clamping ring and susceptor therefor.
  3. Sinha Ashok K. (Palo Alto CA) Ghanayem Steve G. (Sunnyvale CA) Rana Virendra V. S. (Los Gatos CA), Deposition apparatus using a perforated pumping plate.
  4. Selbrede Steven C. (San Jose CA), Differential pressure CVD chuck.
  5. Thomas Michael E. (Milpitas CA) van de Van Everhardus P. (Cupertino CA) Broadbent Eliot K. (San Jose CA), Gas-based backside protection during substrate processing.
  6. van de Ven Everhardus P. (Cupertino CA) Broadbent Eliot K. (San Jose CA) Benzing Jeffrey C. (San Jose CA) Chin Barry L. (Sunnyvale CA) Burkhart Christopher W. (San Jose CA), Gas-based backside protection during substrate processing.
  7. van de Ven Everhardus P. (Cupertino CA) Broadbent Eliot K. (San Jose CA) Benzing Jeffrey C. (San Jose CA) Chin Barry L. (Sunnyvale CA) Burkhart Christopher W. (San Jose CA), Gas-based backside protection during substrate processing.
  8. van de Ven Everhardus P. (Cupertino CA) Broadbent Eliot K. (San Jose CA) Benzing Jeffrey C. (San Jose CA) Chin Barry L. (Sunnyvale CA) Burkhart Christopher W. (San Jose CA), Gas-based substrate protection during processing.
  9. Mizuno Shigeru (Fuchu JPX) Morisako Isamu (Fukuoka JPX), Low pressure vapor phase growth apparatus.
  10. Ghanayem Steve (Sunnyvale CA) Rana Virendra (Los Gatos CA), Metal chemical vapor deposition process using a shadow ring.
  11. King Edward M. (Melbourne Beach FL) Gsteiger Kurt E. (Indialantic FL) Raby Joseph S. (W. Melbourne FL), Method for selective deposition of tungsten on silicon.
  12. Goela Jitendra S. (Andover MA) Jaworski Roy D. (Exeter NH) Taylor Raymond L. (Saugus MA), Method to prevent backside growth on substrates in a vapor deposition system.
  13. Keeley Joseph T. (Woburn MA) Goela Jitendra S. (Andover MA) Pickering Michael A. (Dracut MA) Taylor Raymond L. (Saugus MA), Selective area chemical vapor deposition.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (33)

  1. Lenz, Eric H., Airflow management for low particulate count in a process tool.
  2. Lenz, Eric H., Airflow management for low particulate count in a process tool.
  3. Fernando Cesar R. ; Patel Narendra, Apparatus for particle reduction in semiconductor processing equipment.
  4. Guo Xin Sheng ; Bhan Mohan ; Jones Justin ; Lei Lawrence ; Ellwanger Russell ; Chang Mei ; Sinha Ashok ; Tepman Avi, Chemical vapor deposition hardware and process.
  5. Takahashi Ichiro,JPX, Chemical vapor deposition system with reduced material deposition on chamber wall surfaces.
  6. Hellwig, Lance G.; Kommu, Srikanth; Pitney, John A., Epitaxial barrel susceptor having improved thickness uniformity.
  7. Ries, Michael J.; Yang, Charles Chiun-Chieh; Standley, Robert W., Epitaxial silicon wafer free from autodoping and backside halo and a method and apparatus for the preparation thereof.
  8. Takahashi Ichiro,JPX, Heater unit for chemical vapor deposition systems.
  9. Stevens, Craig Lyle, High throughput architecture for semiconductor processing.
  10. Lenz, Eric H., High throughput cleaner chamber.
  11. Fernando Cesar R. ; Patel Narendra, Method for cleaning semiconductor processing equipment by reducing particles.
  12. Pascal, Roy Winston; Bliven, Brian M., Method for controlling airflow on a backside of a semiconductor wafer during spin processing.
  13. Hopfner, Joachim, Method for processing wafer by applying layer to protect the backside during a tempering step and removing contaminated portions of the layer.
  14. Lee Jiun-Chung,TWX ; Wang Hui-Ling,TWX ; Dun Jowei ; Chou Ken-Shen,TWX, Method for reducing stress and improving step-coverage of tungsten interconnects and plugs.
  15. Tetsuya Taguwa JP, Method of carrying out plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition.
  16. Gould-Choquette Adrienne ; Merchant Sailesh, Method of chemical vapor depositing tungsten films.
  17. Charles Chiun-Chieh Yang ; Robert W. Standley, Modified susceptor for use in chemical vapor deposition process.
  18. Yang, Charles Chiun-Chieh; Standley, Robert W., Modified susceptor for use in chemical vapor deposition process.
  19. Yanagita, Kazutaka; Kohda, Mitsuharu; Sakaguchi, Kiyofumi; Fujimoto, Akira, Plate member separating apparatus and method.
  20. Von Ammon, Wilfried; Schmolke, Ruediger; Storck, Peter; Siebert, Wolfgang, Process and apparatus for epitaxially coating a semiconductor wafer and epitaxially coated semiconductor wafer.
  21. Gurary, Alex; Belousov, Mikhail; Boguslavskiy, Vadim; Mitrovic, Bojan, Processing methods and apparatus with temperature distribution control.
  22. Gurary, Alexander I.; Belousov, Mikhail; Boguslavskiy, Vadim; Mitrovic, Bojan, Processing methods and apparatus with temperature distribution control.
  23. Cheng Kuo-Hsien,TWX ; Fan Chen-Mei,TWX, Recipe design to prevent tungsten (W) coating on wafer backside for those wafers with poly Si on wafer backside.
  24. Lenz, Eric H., Reduction of particle contamination produced by moving mechanisms in a process tool.
  25. Yanagita, Kazutaka; Ohmi, Kazuaki; Sakaguchi, Kiyofumi, Sample processing system.
  26. Yanagita, Kazutaka; Ohmi, Kazuaki; Sakaguchi, Kiyofumi, Sample processing system.
  27. Yanagita, Kazutaka; Ohmi, Kazuaki; Sakaguchi, Kiyofumi, Sample processing system.
  28. Yanagita, Kazutaka; Ohmi, Kazuaki; Sakaguchi, Kiyofumi, Sample separating apparatus and method, and substrate manufacturing method.
  29. Yanagita, Kazutaka; Ohmi, Kazuaki; Sakaguchi, Kiyofumi, Sample separating apparatus and method, and substrate manufacturing method.
  30. Yanagita, Kazutaka; Kohda, Mitsuharu; Sakaguchi, Kiyofumi; Fujimoto, Akira, Separating apparatus and processing method for plate member.
  31. Yanagita, Kazutaka; Kohda, Mitsuharu; Sakaguchi, Kiyofumi; Fujimoto, Akira, Separating apparatus and processing method for plate member.
  32. Lenz, Eric H., Substrate load and unload mechanisms for high throughput.
  33. Krishnan, Sandeep; Gurary, Alexander I.; Moy, Keng, Wafer carrier with temperature distribution control.

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