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[국내논문] 기후변화와 수산업의 관계에 관한 연구
Bio-Economic Relationships between Climate Change and Fisheries 원문보기

水産海洋敎育硏究 = Journal of fisheries and marine sciences education, v.22 no.3 = no.49, 2010년, pp.388 - 401  

박성쾌 (부경대학교) ,  권혁준 (부경대학교) ,  박종운 (부경대학교) ,  차철표 (부경대학교)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This research aims at analyzing impacts of climate change on fisheries. Climate change is an additional pressure on top of the many which fish stocks already experience. This implies that the impact of climate change must be evaluated in the context of other anthropogenic pressures, which often have...


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