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[국내논문] 산술교육에서의 직관적 전개가 가지는 인간 교육적 의미 원문보기

East Asian mathematical journal, v.27 no.4, 2011년, pp.453 - 470  

유충현 (Graduate School of Education Dong-a University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Arithmetic education is based not only on concept but also fundamentally on intuition. Pestalozzi understood time, a Kant's transcendental intuition, as numbers, a form of cognition, so that he considered intuition essential in arithmetic education. Pestalozzi and Herbart also recommended the intuit...


참고문헌 (18)

  1. 강현영, 심성함양으로서의 수학교육, 서울대학교 박사학위논문(2007). 

  2. 박교식, 지난 50년간의 우리나라 초, 중, 고등학교 수학교육의 현상적 특정과 그 동인", 수학교육학논총, 대한수학교육학회(1996). 

  3. 이홍우. 知識의 構造와 敎科, 敎育科學社(1989). 

  4. 임재훈, 플라톤의 수학교육 철학 연구, 서울대학교 박사학위 논문(1998). 

  5. 한대희, 인간교육으로서의 수학교육, 서울대학교 박사학위논문(2000). 

  6. Carl J. Posy Kants philosophy of mathematics: modem essays / edited Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers(1992). 

  7. Copleston, F., History of Philosophy, vol. 6, Newman Press(1961). 

  8. Dewey, J. Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education. New York: Macmillan(1916). 이홍우(飜譯.註釋)(1987). 民主主義와 敎育. 서울: 교육과학사. 

  9. Freudenthal, H., Revisiting mathematics education; China lectures, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers(1991). 

  10. Froebel, F. W. N., The Education of Man. Hailrnann(trans.), International Educational Series. New York and London: D. Appleton and Company(1826). 

  11. Harper, William, Kant on Space, Empirical Realism and the Foundations of Geometry, Topoi, Vol.3(1984). 

  12. Herbart, Johann Friedrich, Eckoff W. J(trans.), The Ideal of Pestalozzi, ABC of sense-perception, D. Appleton and company(1802) 

  13. Kant, Immanuel, Critique of Pure Reason, Kritik der reinen Vernunft. hg. von R. Schmidt. Hamburg(1787). 

  14. Kline, M., Mathematics and axiomatics, In The Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (Ed.), The role of axiomatics and problem solving in mathematics (pp. 57-62), Washington D. C., Ginn and Company(1966). 

  15. Melnick, A., Kant's Analogies of Experience, Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press(1973). 

  16. Pestalozzi, H., Letters on Early Educations, addressed to J. P. Greaves Esq. London: Sherwood(1827), 김정환 역, 어머니들에게 보내는 편지, 서울:서원(1989). 

  17. Pestalozzi, H., Wie Gertrud lehrt ihre Kinder(1801), 김정환 역, Pestalozzi의 실천, 서울:젊은날(1991). 

  18. Oakeshott, M., "Learning and Teaching". in R. S. Peters(ed.), The Concept of Education. London: Routledge & Kegan paul(1967), pp. 156-176. 

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