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AI 군집 알고리즘을 활용한 학업 성취도 데이터 분석
Analysis of Academic Achievement Data Using AI Cluster Algorithms 원문보기

정보교육학회논문지 = Journal of the Korean Association of Information Education, v.25 no.6, 2021년, pp.1005 - 1013  

구덕회 (서울교육대학교) ,  정소영 (서울하늘숲초등학교)

AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

코로나 19가 장기화되면서 기존 학력 격차가 더욱 심화되고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 담임교사에게 학업 성취도 분석을 통해 학년 및 학급 내 학력 격차 실태를 시각적으로 확인하고, 이를 활용하여 학력 격차를 개선하기 위한 수업 설계 및 방안 탐색에 도움을 주기 위함이다. 학생들의 학년 초 국어, 수학 진단평가 점수 데이터를 K-means 알고리즘을 활용하여 클러스터로 시각화하였으며, 그 결과 유의미한 군집이 형성된 것을 확인했다. 또한, 교사 인터뷰 결과를 통해서 학생의 학습 수준 및 학업 성취 확인, 개별 보충지도 및 수준별 학습과 같은 수업 설계 등 학력 격차 개선에 본 시스템이 유의미한 것으로 확인되었다. 이는 곧, 학업 성취도 데이터 분석 시스템이 학력 격차 개선에 도움이 된다는 것을 의미한다. 본 연구가 담임교사에게 학년 및 학급 내 학력 격차 개선 방안을 탐색하는 데에 실질적인 도움을 제공하며, 궁극적으로 학력 격차 개선에 기여하기를 기대한다.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

With the prolonged COVID-19, the existing academic gap is widening. The purpose of this study is to provide homeroom teachers with a visual confirmation of the academic achievement gap in grades and classrooms through academic achievement analysis, and to use this to help them design lessons and exp...


참고문헌 (17)

  1. Jung, S & An, Y.E.(2021). A study on the current situation of the achievement gap in schools before and after COVID-19: Focusing on the distribution of academic achievement grades of middle schools in Seoul. Korean Journal Of Sociology Of Education, 31(2), 53-74. 

  2. Kim, W.J.(2020). The educational gap and challenges thrown by COVID-19. Seoul Education Research & Information Institute, Seoul Education, 241. 

  3. Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education(2020b). Report on the results of the "2020 Seoul Education Public Debate" civic participation group survey. Seoul: Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education. 

  4. The Hankyoreh(2020. 09. 14). "COVID-19 learning gap, there is no middle rank." http://h21.hani.co.kr/arti/society/society_general/49231.html. 

  5. Ko, S.H, Yoon, U.N, Jumabek Alikhanov & Jo, G.S.(2017). Improved CS-RANSAC Algorithm Using K-Means Clustering. KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering, 6(6), 315-320. 

  6. Jung, M.Y, Kim, M.S & Song, J.W.(2020). A Study on the Color Analysis to the Illustration of Music Textbook in 3rd-4th Grade Elementary School Using Machine Learning. The Korean Journal of Arts Education, 18(2), 93-118. 

  7. Kim, S & Ban, J.C.(2014). An Analysis of Changes in the Proportions of Below Basic on the Diagnostic Tests of Subject Learning and Relationships to the Proportions of Below Basic on the NAEA. Journal of Educational Evaluation, 27(4), 1009-1034. 

  8. Kwon, J.R.(2013). Analysis on the 3rd graders' achievement in the elementary school - focused on the result of the Grade 3 Diagnostic Assessment of Basic Competency in 2011 -. Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education, 16(2), 163-182. 

  9. Kim, K.H, Kim, S.S, Si, K.J, Noh, E.H, Kim, S.J, Lee, I.H, Kim, D.N, Kim, B.M & Woo, S.J.(2014). Elementary School Academic Achievement Evaluation Plan for National-level Basic Education Inspection. Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation, Research Report CRE 2014-2. 

  10. Lim, E.J, Park, I.Y, Jung, H.K, Seo, M.H, Kim, W.S & Han, J.A.(2018). The Factors Affecting High School Students' Achievement and Achievement Gap Based on 2016 NAEA Results. Journal of Educational Evaluation, 31(1), 125-153. 

  11. Yang, G.W.(2021). The Effect of Design Oriented Model on Learning Motivation and Academic Achievement in SW Education. Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education, 25(1), 81-89. 

  12. Nam, M.H, Kwon, J.R, Ko, J.H, Kim, M.H, Kim, S.Y, Lee, G.M, Park, S.K, Choi, I.J, & Hong, S.J.(2009). The Grade 3 National Diagnostic Assessment of Basic Competency in 2008 - Basic Mathematics-. Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation, Research Report CRE 2009-9-4. 

  13. Oh, J.M.(2014). Analysis of Academic Achievement of Elementary School Students According to Reading Tendency in Preferred Reading Field. Korean Association of Reading Education Studies, 2(1), 243-267. 

  14. Kim, S.K & Oh, C.H.(2020). Analysis of Core Competence for 2020 Freshmen at D-University - Focusing on big data analysis -. The Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering, 24(1), 332-334. 

  15. Lee, Y.H & Koo, D.H.(2017). A Study on Development Deep Learning Based Learning System for Enhancing the Data Analytical Thinking. Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education, 21(4), 393-401. 

  16. Koo, D.H & Kim, D.J.(2020). Data science education program based on problem solving learning. The Journal of Korea elementary education, 31, Supplement, 203-215. 

  17. Jung, S.Y, Ma, Y.J & Koo, D.H.(2021). Development of a data analysis system for preventing school violence based on AI unsupervised learning. Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education, 25(5), 741-750. 

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