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팬데믹 시대의 패션쇼의 디지털화 - 패션 필름과 패션 게이미피케이션을 중심으로 -
Digitalization of Fashion Shows in the Pandemic Era - A Focus on Fashion Films and Fashion Gamification - 원문보기

Fashion & textile research journal = 한국의류산업학회지, v.24 no.1, 2022년, pp.29 - 41  

강수정 (서울대학교 의류학과) ,  전재훈 (서울대학교 의류학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, global fashion brands have been hosting online fashion shows instead of offline ones. In light of the current pandemic scenario, this research conducted a study on digital fashion shows held online, specifically focusing on two types of shows: fashion film...


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