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뷰티 애플리케이션 기능 분석
Beauty Application Function Analysis 원문보기

Fashion & textile research journal = 한국의류산업학회지, v.25 no.3, 2023년, pp.379 - 385  

남세미 (광주대학교 뷰티미용학과) ,  김은실 (광주대학교 뷰티미용학과)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Recently, with the development of IT technology, interest in mobile applications has increased, and as products and contents that go beyond existing services are released in the beauty industry, interest is steadily increasing. Accordingly, various studies have been conducted, but studies analyzing ...


참고문헌 (15)

  1. Cha, M, G. (2020). The effects of the 4th industry AI beauty device?experience on cosmetics brand loyalty and purchase intention.?Unpublished master's thesis, Sungshin Women's University, Seoul. 

  2. Choi, Y, S., Kang, S, M., & Back, S, Y. (2019). A case analysis study?on GUI elements of domestic cosmetics apps. Journal of the?Korea Society of Beauty and Arts, 20(2), 163-181. doi:10.18693/jksba.2019.20.2.163 

  3. Ha, J, G. (2021). The effects of mobile shopping motivation on the?attributes and adoption of beauty applications. The Korea Contents?Association, 21(9), 117-124. doi:10.5392/JKCA.2021.21.09.117 

  4. Hong, J, M. (2017). Relationship of cosmetic brand app. satisfaction?and brand loyalty. unpublished master's thesis, inje university,?gimhae. 

  5. Jin, J, Y. (2017). A study on the effects of mobile application?characteristics on user satisfaction and continuous use intention.?Unpublished master's thesis, Silla University, Busan. 

  6. Kim, S, J., & Kim, G, R. (2019). Nail art research in the 4th industrial?era, Journal of the Korea Society of Beauty and Arts, 20(1), 89-104. doi:10.18693/jksba.2019.20.1.89 

  7. Lee, H, R., & Shin, S, Y. (2019). The effect of experiential marketing?using a mobile service platform on middle-aged women's?cosmetics purchase intention. Journal of the Korea Society of?Beauty and Arts, 20(1), 197-209. doi:10.18693/jksba.2019.20.1.197 

  8. Mivo Studio. (2022). Sweet Snap (version 5.1.100926) [Mobile app].?Goolge Play Store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?idsweetsnap.lite.snapchat&hlen_US&glUS 

  9. Moon, M, J. (2020). Business utilization study of smart beauty platform.?Unpublished master's thesis, Youngsan University, Busan. 

  10. Park, S. Y. (2019, August 2). Open a beauty class and experience nail?art...The transformation of the H&B store. Fnnews. Retrieved June 4,?2021, from https://www.fnnews.com/news/201908021835304162. 

  11. Perfect Mobile Corp. Photo & Video Beauty Editor. (2022). YouCam?Makeup (Version 6.9.1) [Mobile app]. Google Play Store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?idcom.cyberlink.youcammakeup&hlen_US&glUS 

  12. Perfect Mobile Corp. Photo & Video Beauty Editor. (2022). YouCam?Percect (Version 5.83.4) [Mobile app]. Google Play Store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?idcom.cyberlink.youperfect&hlen_US&glUS 

  13. Pixocial Technology. (2022). Beauty Plus (Version 7.6.024) [Mobile?app]. Google Play Store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?idcom.commsource.beautyplus&hlen_US&glUS 

  14. Sa, K, R. (2023). A study on how to improve mobile applications for?learning Korean pronunciation. Unpublished master's thesis, Chung-Ang University, Seoul. 

  15. Woo, J, H., & Kim, S, I. (2020). User experience study of virtual?beauty makeup application. The Society of Digital Policy &?Management, 18(11), 459-464. doi:10.14400/JDC.2020.18.11.459 

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