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NTIS 바로가기한국국방기술학회 논문지 = Journal of the korean institute of defense technology, v.5 no.1, 2023년, pp.19 - 24
이지은 (한양사이버대학교 경영정보.AI비즈니스학과) , 이지선 (고려대학교 산업경영공학과) , 류종수 (한국국방기술학회 정책연구센터)
The future battlefield is expected to be very different from what it is today because of the development of new technologies. In particular, it becomes difficult to predict the war's outcome as AI and robots, whose performance is improved, participate in the battlefield. Accordingly, major countries...
Jae Sam Lee, "A Study on the National?Competitiveness Reinforcement through?Technological Advances in the Era of the Fourth?Industrial Revolution", Journal of Law research,?2019; 35(4): 179-207.
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Se Hoon Lee, Seunghoon Lee, "A study on?improvement of policy of artificial intelligence for?national defense considering the US third offset?strategy", Industry Promotion Research. 2023; 8(1):?35-45.
Wonjoong Hwang, "Military use of Artificial?Intelligence in aspect of the nature of war -?Focusing on application of command decision?support system", Korean Journal of Military Art and?Science, 2020; 76(3): 31-60.
Youngin Kim, "Defense Artificial Intelligence (AI)?Utilization Plan", Korea Testing & Research?Institute. 2017.
Yun-seon Song. "Military Use of Artificial?Intelligence and Robots and the Prerequisite", J.?Korean Inst. Def. Technol. 2021; 3(2): 1-6.
Kenneth Payne, Bright Prospects ; Big Challenges,?Defence AI in the United Kingdom, DAIO Study?22.04.
Lauren A. Kahn, Risky Incrementalism. Defense AI?in the United States. DAIO Study 23.07.
Peter Layton, Evolution not Revolution Australia's?Defence AI Pathway, DAIO Study 22.02.
Youngju Jeong, The Progress of ATO Planning?System with Artificial Intelligence : Centered on?Combat Plans Automation, The Quarterly Journal of?Defense Policy Studies 2022, vol.38, no.2, pp.?125-156
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