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[해외논문] The Integration of 3-D Visualization into the Simulation-based Planning Process of Logistics Systems

Simulation : Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, v.77 no.3/4, 2001년, pp.114 - 127  

Wenzel, Sigrid (Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and LogisticsJoseph-von-Fraunhofer-StraU00DF) ,  Jessen, Ulrich (e 2-4 44227 Dortmund)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The integration of information and communication technology into existing business processes effects all areas ofa company, including factory planning. The structure ofthe process of change is based on model-supported processes as well as tools and techniques that are already inuse. These include es...


참고문헌 (33)

  1. Johnson, M. Eric, Poorte, Jacob P.. A hierarchical approach to computer animation in simulation modeling. Simulation : Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, vol.50, no.1, 30-36.

  2. Simulation Modeling and Analysis. Second Edition Law, A.M. 1991 

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  4. Paul, Ray J.. Recent Developments in Simulation Modelling. The journal of the Operational Research Society, vol.42, no.3, 217-226.

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  6. Jessen, U., Krömker, D., Loseries, F., Luckas, V. and Wenzel, S. Realitätsnah planen-Die 3D-Animation als ideale Ergänzung zur Simulation. Tagungsband zum Visualisierungsworkshop "Visualisierungsverfahren beim Einsatz in Produktion und Logistik" im Rahmen der 7. ASIM-Fachtagung, 11.06.1996, Dortmund, Verlag Praxiswissen GmbH, Dortmund, 1996, 4. Beitrag. 

  7. Robertson, P.K.. A methodology for choosing data representations. IEEE computer graphics and applications, vol.11, no.3, 56-67.

  8. Bell, Peter C., O'Keefe, Robert M.. Visual Interactive Simulation - History, recent developments, and major issues. Simulation : Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, vol.49, no.3, 109-116.

  9. Bell, P.C., Taseen, A.A., Kirkpatrick, P.F.. Visual interactive simulation modeling in a decision support role. Computers & operations research, vol.17, no.5, 447-456.

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  12. Kognitive Systeme. Eine Einführung in die Kognitionswissenschaft Strohner, H. 1995 

  13. 10.1145/108360.108361 Casner, S.M. A Task-Analytic Approach to the Automated Design of Graphic Presentations . ACM Transactions on Graphics , Vol. 10, No. 2, 1991, pp 111-151. 

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  15. Verbesserung der Informationsgestaltung in der Simulationstechnik unter Nutzung autonomer Visualisierungswerkzeuge, Dissertation, Reihe Unternehmenslogistik (Hrsg.: A. Kuhn) Wenzel, S. 1998 

  16. 10.1145/22949.22950 Mackinlay, J. Automating the Design of Graphical Presentations of Relational Information. ACM Transactions on Graphics , Vol. 5, No. 2, April 1986, pp 110-141. 

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  18. Bidirektionale Kopplung ereignisdiskreter Simulatoren Renner, I. 2001 

  19. Simulation in Produktion und Logistik der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Jessen, U. 1996 

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  21. Proceedings of European Multimedia Microprocessor Systems and electronic Commerce Conference and Exhibition (EMMSECC '99) Luckas, V. 

  22. BES2-5198. Development of a Virtual Process Planning System, Final Technical Report Brite EuRam 1999 

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  24. Simulation und Visualisierung Jessen, U. S.17 2000 

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  26. Schulze, Thomas, Strassburger, Steffen, Klein, Ulrich. Migration of HLA into Civil Domains: Solutions and Prototypes for Transportation Applications. Simulation : Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, vol.73, no.5, 296-303.

  27. Simulation und Visualisierung '99, Proceedings Klein, U. 

  28. Simulation und Visualisierung 2000, Proceedings Jesse, R. 

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  32. DOSIMIS-3, Simulation des Materialflusses innerbetrieblicher Systeme, Benutzerhandbuch Schmidt , U. 1991 

  33. 3D Studio MAX R3 Referenzhandbuch Band I/II 1999 

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