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산욕초기 산모의 모성역할 수행 자신감 영향요인
Factors Influencing Self-confidence in the Maternal Role among Early Postpartum Mothers 원문보기

KJWHN : Korean journal of women health nursing, v.19 no.1, 2013년, pp.48 - 56  

하주영 (부산대학교 간호대학) ,  김윤지 (부산대학교 간호대학)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the influencing factors of mothers' confidence in their maternal role during the early postpartum period. Methods: Participants were 178 postpartum women who delivered at three specialized obstetrics and gynecology facilities and used the postpartum...


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문제 정의

  • The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting self-confidence in the maternal role targeting early postpartum mothers. The specific purposes are as follows.
  • This study is a descriptive research aiming to understand the level of self-confidence in the maternal role of a mother in early postpartum period who is using a postpartum care facility, and to identify its related influencing factors. As a result of this study, it was found that self-confidence in the maternal role had a negative correlation with childcare stress, and the influencing factors on the self-confidence in the maternal role were parity and mother-to-infant attachment.
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참고문헌 (29)

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