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[해외논문] Autoclave Cycle Optimization for High Performance Composite Parts Manufacturing 원문보기

Procedia CIRP, v.57, 2016년, pp.241 - 246  

Nele, L. ,  Caggiano, A. ,  Teti, R.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In aeronautical production, autoclave curing of composite parts must be performed according to a specified diagram of temperature and pressure vs time. Part-tool assembly thermal inertia and shape have a large influence on the heating and cooling rate, and therefore on the dwell time within the targ...


참고문헌 (9)

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  9. Criscuolo Gaito V, Langella A, Nele L. Composite autoclave curing. Advancing with Composites 2005, Naples 11-14 October 2005, CD rom (31b.pdf) pag. 8, Amme-Asmeccanica. 

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