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The Stability of Color and Antioxidant Compounds in Paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) Powder During the Drying and Storing Process 원문보기

Food science and biotechnology, v.16 no.2 = no.74, 2007년, pp.187 - 192  

Park, Jae-Hee (Department of Food and Nutrition, Changwon National University) ,  Kim, Chang-Soon (Department of Food and Nutrition, Changwon National University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The objectives of this study were to examine changes in the color and antioxidant compounds of paprika powder under various conditions, as well as to establish the suitable conditions for drying and storage. Paprika was dried using the following methods: freeze-drying, vacuum drying, far infrared-ra...


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가설 설정

  • 2)Means with the same letter in a column for each sample are not significantly different with an increasing storage period (p<0.05).
  • 2)Means with the same letter in a column of each sample are not significantly different over an increasing storage period (pv0.05).
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참고문헌 (38)

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